I have just started to prepare for SCJD. So I thought it would be better If I share my explorations with everyone in this blog. I will share my plans, explorations and my progress in this blog. I think it will be very useful for both me and others.
From my side I will be logging my plans, explorations and progress here. It is an opportunity for me to help others who are preparing for SCJD and to stay committed myself. Otherwise I might float it and fail to achieve it within the target date. More I write about it, more I get involved and above all I will have the satisfaction of helping others, which is worth more than just earning the certification myself!
I always wanted to know how people prepared for the certification and their experience. So I read a lot about the experiences in the forums like Javaranch. But the disadvantage with forum post was, I can only read the experience in the end and not real time. And also whatever I read was just a summary. It doesn't give a clear picture how others have overcome the obstacles. So If I share my experience real time with others, it is an opportunity for others who are preparing for SCJD. My experience will be useful for others irrespective of my result in SCJD. Whether I pass or not, it doesn't matter. If I pass everyone will benefit from the path I have taken. If I fail everyone(Including me) will know why I failed and learn from the experience. I see a lot of benefits like this. So I am sure its worth sharing!!
I am aware that I am not supposed to reveal any details of the assignment. So I will not give out any details about the assignment which is illegal(And against my will). Instead I will log my experience real time. For the sake of convenience I will tag all my SCJD related experience with the tag "SCJDShare". So In future anyone can just filter the posts and read it. So I am starting today the first post with "
SCJDShare". Also I will be bookmarking my links in
delicious with the tag "
SCJD". Long way to go... Lets do it!!!